Südglan Leadmaster
Concept: “When Südglans sank, the world lost a marvelous artifice for handling water and waste, known only as the guarded art of the Leadmasters.”
Content: A feature-laden class inspired by a certain 1993 work of cinematic art; also includes monsters inspired by a certain 1983 piece of videogame history
Writing: Presents a useful class while still keeping its inspiration visible
Art/design: Incorporates iconic graphic elements to emphasize its source material
Usability: “This is an unfinished class, but it is a playable one.”
Content: A feature-laden class inspired by a certain 1993 work of cinematic art; also includes monsters inspired by a certain 1983 piece of videogame history
Writing: Presents a useful class while still keeping its inspiration visible
Art/design: Incorporates iconic graphic elements to emphasize its source material
Usability: “This is an unfinished class, but it is a playable one.”