You Won't Get What You Want
Concept: “You've made it to the island. What is it you seek here? Whatever it is, you won't get what you want.”
Content: A hexcrawl exploring the motifs of lack and obstruction
Writing: Concise location descriptions that are primarily concrete but incorporating some abstract imagery
Art/design: Text and map share a stark black-and-white color scheme that emphasizes the central conceptual dichotomy
Usability: Supplies a want at each location but leaves it to the GM to incorporate its relevance to the PCs
Content: A hexcrawl exploring the motifs of lack and obstruction
Writing: Concise location descriptions that are primarily concrete but incorporating some abstract imagery
Art/design: Text and map share a stark black-and-white color scheme that emphasizes the central conceptual dichotomy
Usability: Supplies a want at each location but leaves it to the GM to incorporate its relevance to the PCs