Work Borg
Concept: “Terrible part-time jobs, cheap tenements, roguelite progression, and a dating sim”
Content: Downtime activities—basically, all of the mundane drudgery you usually play games to escape from
Writing: Alternately soul-crushing and bizarre, but also consistently comedic and even beneficial
Art/design: Relatively traditional but with on-brand typography and color choices
Usability: “Downtime is extremely optional, and it may not fit the flow of some games.”
Content: Downtime activities—basically, all of the mundane drudgery you usually play games to escape from
Writing: Alternately soul-crushing and bizarre, but also consistently comedic and even beneficial
Art/design: Relatively traditional but with on-brand typography and color choices
Usability: “Downtime is extremely optional, and it may not fit the flow of some games.”