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The Dungescape Issue 2

Concept: “Rugged tunnels far beneath the dirt of the earth. What stirs in the dark with all-seeing eyes, beaks, and claws, scratching the stone?”
Content: An escape dungeon, full of feathered “friends”.
Writing: Social elements add a dynamic element to the dungeon.
Art/design: Top-down map and creature illustrations highlight a compact two-page dungeon reference.
Usability: Compact and organized for easy reference of the entire dungeon during play. 

The Fälgander

Concept: “Lurking at the edge of your perception, a primal hatred made manifest.”
Worse than your standard-issue goose, this one has a paralyzing stare
Truly expresses the sentient malice in the heart of every goose
Portrait and cool colors emphasize the fowl-beast’s the soulless frigidity
Geese are jerks

The Pest House

Concept: “Enter the pest house, fight past the screaming corpses, find patient zero, and hopefully live to see another miserable week.”
Content: A good doctor’s mistake, Galgenbeck’s problem.
Writing: A highly volatile plague crawl, full of pressure, pus, and projectile vomiting.
Art/design: A sturdy top-down manor illustration in a forest of text, with the occasional pink and yellow highlight.
Usability: Highlights emphasize frequently referenced monsters and mechanics. 

Things that Haunt the Darkness

Concept: “Looking for some weird and fun creatures to throw at your players? LOOK NO FURTHER”
Content: Twenty eight memorably miserable monsters
Writing: A variety of short and characterful creature descriptions, with matching special abilities.
Art/design: Sharp monochromatic sketches in bright neon colors and thick white text creeps across a black background.
Usability: Easy to sort into encounters and adventures at the table. 
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