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Ex Libris Mörk Borg A directory of content, tools, and resources

Deathclam Games

Curious Conversations for Questionable Characters

Concept: “Give your scum some personality and increase the thrill of mortal danger.”
Content: Traits, Motivations, and campfire conversation for any scvm.
Writing: Short role-playing prompts to encourage character development, with simple instructions on when and how to use them.
Art/design: Bordered text incorporates yellow and pink amidst AI-generated illustrations of dour conversations.
Usability: Bordered text may inhibit readability on smaller displays. 

Deep Waters Run Deadly

Concept: “A tool for solo, gmless and on the fly dungeoneering involving moisture.”
Content: A moisture generator, d20 soggy denizens, fishing rules, d12 miserable fish, and treasures.
Writing: A generalized but descriptive style. Inspiring rather than dictating mechanics.
Art/design: A geometric and textured layout with tailored AI art.
Usability: A specific emulator for cruel and unusual bodies of water. 

Enter the Dungeon

Concept: “Enter the Dungeon will provide a skeleton from which to hang your imagination.”
Content: Basic dungeon generator for low prep and gm-less play.
Writing: Broad variety in room titles, a gateway generator with mechanics, and rules to resolve dead ends.
Art/design: AI-generated fantasy environments. Dark display type over bright solid backgrounds.
Usability: Grab a d4, d10, and d12. 

Idle Borg: avert the apocalypse

Concept: “You come to find that the apocalypse can be averted. Hope is rekindled in a hopeless world.” 
Content: An apocalypse-averting, temple-building, village management minigame.
Writing: Rules to pass your final days, spend your last silver, and roll the Misery dice between adventures.
Art/design: A series of generated village locations, defined by bordered text laid upon bordered scrolls.
Usability: Adventure minigame included for stand-alone play. Table of contents included. Reference sheets provided. 

Ill-Fated Names of Unfortunate Scvm

Concept: “Roll a D20 once on the first name table and once on the last name table.  Combine the results to create a moniker that will strike terror and awe into your foes.”
Content: 400 ill-fated names.
Writing: Contains classics like: “Dumpstack Snodgrass”, “Dirty Fuzznut”, and “Stanko Arbuckle”.
Art/design: Legible, but appropriately unfortunate.
Usability: Roll a pair of d20s.