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A Dungeon Most Fowl

Concept: “First room of the community dungeon”
The usual sacrifice and suffering but with ducks
Describes the location and behavior of its inhabitants
Includes a map and some illustrations to set proper expectations
To be used in tandem with the other entries to the Miserable Dungeon Jam

Curse of the Silver Muscovy

Concept: “Take hold of the Idol of the Silver Muscovy and let its healing magic flow through you, just ignore the feathers poking out from your scalp and your toes beginning to grow webbing...”
A healing artifact that progressively duckifies its users
Provides the relevant mechanics, descriptions of the item and its location, and ideas and prompts for narrativizing the transformation
Primarily textual; uses color to aid navigability, and visual design reinforces the dungeon atmosphere
Bit more complex than the standard, but still perfectly usable

Den of the Robber Duckie

Concept: “A klepto man duck's den”
The den, the duckie, and a duck-based scroll
Short and concise but brimming with humorous character
Includes an illustration and map; overall, high-quality and gritty graphic design
Intended for use within a larger dungeon but still pretty modular

Descended like a dove...

Concept: “A puzzle ridden adventure with a very different enemy waiting at the end”
A four-room dungeon with an ironic take on Christian iconography
Clearly describes the surreal dynamics of the dungeon and puzzle solutions
Typographical choices make the dungeon easy to read and reference; illustrations and other design elements contribute to the overall atmosphere
For expediency, GMs should review thoroughly before playing

Duck Duck Dead Duck

Concept: “Includes a room, item, and monster to play a game with. Potentially a little silly.”
A high-stakes game of Duck Duck Goose (but don’t call it that)
Sets the scene and provides mechanics for playing the game
Especially clever layout and design on the second page, which represents the pit players are thrown into
Tests the player’s quickness as well as the character’s

Duck God's Pit of Peril

Concept: “A single-room encounter”
An escape puzzle with a murderous decoy duck
Primarily focused on describing the room’s puzzle dynamic
Maps and decoy illustration are the centerpieces, but additional elements add visual variety and flavor
Puzzle is relatively straightforward (assuming PCs survive the decoy)

Ducks Left Wanting (to be left alone)

Concept: “A herd of ducks aimlessly wander a dungeon hallway. Items of use or value tied round their necks. But catching ducks ALWAYS comes with a cost.”
“A two page spread with rules for catching ducks, a d20 table of juicy rewards tied round their necks, and a d20 table of all the horrible shit that can happen when one is catching ducks!”
Primarily tables with some descriptive text connecting the scenario to the larger adventure; rife with body humor
A plethora of ducks, sinister and otherwise
d20 not included

Egg Chamber

Concept: “Fun room with an egg-citing NPC”
An egg-centric encounter; heavy on scatological humor
A balance of descriptive text and mechanics with some putrid and absurd imagery
Text heavy, but well stylized and organized around/in a map and illustration
Some elements may be a bit much for more squeamish players

Enter the Dungeon

Concept: “Enter the Dungeon will provide a skeleton from which to hang your imagination.”
Content: Basic dungeon generator for low prep and gm-less play.
Writing: Broad variety in room titles, a gateway generator with mechanics, and rules to resolve dead ends.
Art/design: AI-generated fantasy environments. Dark display type over bright solid backgrounds.
Usability: Grab a d4, d10, and d12. 

Fedelfugol Pit - Den of the Demon Mallard of Gluttony

Concept: “A single room of sacrifice and demonic hunger”
A grimly humorous concept with a fairly straightforward puzzle that no one will really want to solve
Clear descriptions of the setting with some flavorful quotes for the GM to read
Clearly delineated paragraphs devoted to dungeon elements and a well-organized description of the puzzle and its solution
“Hold on to your butts.” – Jon Raymond Arnold

Flail to the Face Episode 7 Companion

6 contributors
Concept: “In honor of our seventh episode of Flail to the Face, we give you d20 Random Things Behind Closed Doors” 
Content: D20 reasons to just close the door and pretend it never happened.
Writing: Absurd scenarios delivered with believably serious specificity.
Art/design: Text that frames some serious mahogany, with stained glass that lets in no light.
Usability: As a reward for the over-enthusiastic door checker. 

From Duks till Dawn

Concept: “Entry for A Miserable Dungeon Jam”
A set of modular rooms featuring ducks
Descriptions of each room with stats for inhabitants
Straightforward layouts with illustrations and occasional use of color for emphasis
GMs can arrange rooms or assign numbers and roll to randomly generate a floorplan

Gwalchmai's Laboratory

Concept: “An encounter with a duck faced alchemist in his laboratory”
A duck-faced alchemist and his laboratory. What were you expecting?
Describes the room and alchemist, and presents a quest for the PCs
Duckface, but Borgier
I hope you like duck butts more than you like tangerines or silver

How Dost Though Like Them Eggs?

Concept: “The room is indeed empty but it is diabolically trapped.”
A room featuring d4 traps and d6 trigger sounds
A descriptive passage with mechanical exposition of the situation and individual traps (with clever names)
Color and visual elements delineate each section for easy reference
Caution: contains disturbingly naked imps

Level 17: The Crawling Chaos

Concept: " The air is dank and the floor is moist. Purplish fluid shimmers between the cobblestones that pave the ground. It moves as if it was alive" 
Content: A throbbing hallway, sucking whirlpool, and quiet study.
Writing: Thorough alien descriptions, d666 escape rules, and narrative throbbing fluid mechanics.
Art/design: Dense single-column format, broken by background transitions and an uncanny hallway illustration.
Usability: Review before running, some decisions are left up to you. Remember the room is silenced! 
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