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Temple of Trechery

Concept: “An LSD trip of an adventure for Mörk Borg” 
Content: As above (so below).
Writing: A deeply rooted plot that’s sure to decay into a psychedelic trip, whether idylic or hellish is up to your scvm.
Art/design: A collection of print illustrations, and a few tastefully generated portraits which produce that strange hallucinatory feeling.
Usability: Well-organized and flexible. Available in German, with English translation in the works. 

The Lost Theater

Concept: “it looks like you have the main role in the new play… It will be a gruesome story tonight… The third bell has already rung, take your seat and enjoy the show…”
Content: A theater dungeon in three acts.
Writing: The skeleton of a script to allows for easy improvisation anchored in concise descriptions of actors and events.
Art/design: Detailed Illustrated maps set the stage. Text blocks and bulleted room encounters set the scene.
Usability: Printer Friendly. 

The Raining Caves

Concept: "As the world grows dark with Nechrubel’s influence... they farm the mushrooms, listen to the messages they give them, and wait." 
Content: A slick cavern complex full of apostates, visions, monsters, and spores.
Writing: Encounter structure that builds toward the insidious influence of the fungi and the waters on the cultists.
Art/design: Illustrations highlight a traditional text. Variety in typeface throughout. The contrast in type color creates visual breaks between room descriptions. 
Usability: Background, Map, Encounter, and NPC sections blocked. Adventure is best referenced in print. 

The Temple of the Scattered God

Concept: “The god has fallen from the sky. Its giant body scattered. Some parts have been recovered and saved by the Kultists. Meet his brain, one eye, one foot, one hand and maybe more body parts in the underground temple!”
Content: A god crawl divided into parts.
Writing: Adaptive and dynamic encounter design make for more dynamic combat encounters.
Art/design: Disturbingly detailed map by Brian Yaksha, clear use of color to indicate rooms and features of interest, mini-map navigation, and stats incorporated into room description text.
Usability: OSR style abbreviations require some minor translations for Mörk Borg. 


Concept: “The fell spirit of a person who has spent too much time in the dark magics of the wood.”
Content: Half man. Half raven. All illusion.
Writing: Incorporation of traditional folklore with deeply flavorful and appropriate mechanics.
Art/design: A violently gritty depiction of a nightstalker that lives up to the legend. 
Usability: Stylistic where desirable, legible where necessary. 

Vanity Bleeder

Concept: “Slick with ichor and desire, the dire hostess, The Golden Masked Miraculous, sits alone atop the ruins of her father's cult. All heirs have been murdered: any drop of blood in the vein, and the sickly bell will whine again.”
Content: A glamorous/decrepit manor crawl full of hospitality/horror.
Writing: Understated and effective horror which carefully unravels and presents itself across both the black/white pages.
Art/design: A duality of black/white denotes the influence of Verhu’s Blind on the perceptions of the inspired. Alterations and reversals of associated imagery enhance the central theme.
Usability: Redundancy and parallel between the black/white versions of each spread allow for ease of reference regardless of your scvm’s sobriety during the adventure. 

Vile Jackalope

Concept: “‘Whether or not you had once been a human, it’s unknown. What you are, however, is certainly something of disdain and suspicion.’” 
Content: A long-eared, horned, fey creation of SHE.
Writing: Familiar folklore and references, twisted to the whims of SHE.
Art/design: A rich textured jackalope illustration with collage elements. A strong overall composition.
Usability: Available in print-friendly or glamoured. 

Whispers in The Darkness

Concept: “a collection of four dark MÖRK BORG adventures that will take you through a weird lovecraftian trip.”
Content: A transformative four-adventure experience.
Writing: A slightly detached and understated style that slowly ratchets up the tension to a horrifying conclusion.
 Art/design: Gorgeously detailed maps in a clear and structured black-and-white design.
Usability: Consistent textual cues and a clean layout are ideal for use at the table.

You Don’t Yank on the Spine of God

Concept: “An album crawl inspired by Monster Magnet's Spine of God. Of course, it'll be sex & drugs ridden. Uh, and monsters. Ugly ones.”
Content: A drug-fueled, sex-filled, pig boiling trip into the unconscious.
Writing: A hallucinogenic dream sequence.
Art/design: Psychedelic photo mashups of NPCs, hand-drawn map. Glaring yellow text over a drug-addled purple backdrop. 
Usability: Designed in a three-column pamphlet format. 
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