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Where there's death, there's plunder


Concept: “What are you willing to trade?”
Content: Mysterious street-surgeons, covered in burlap.
Writing: A Dying World folk tale, fabricated from whole cloth with corpses and string.
Art/design: Adorably bloody burlap surgeons flop and stare for your amusement.
Usability: A fun mini-game to gamble for those missing limbs.

Take then thy bond

Concept: “The voice inside your head commands you: Travel to the wastelands and find the wretched peak. Scour its halls. Bring me its heart, the rest of the treasure is yours.”
A putrid pyramid crawl full of heart—and other organs.
Encounters are lively and responsive, often in unexpected ways. Pregnant with activity.
Bold cover art of the titular encounter. Table of contents and mini-map layout aid in navigating this moderately sized adventure.
Encounter descriptions diminish accidental revelations. Surprises reach player and GM simultaneously. 

Tame Your Demons

Concept: “‘Come! Come! Sit with me. Let us bask in the glorious light of the Prescient Flame. Gaze into its depths. The Flame sees all. What do you see?’ 
—Seskel the Flamekeeper” 
Content: A tallow-melting, candle-burning, demon-facing altar crawl.
Writing: An atmospheric and sensory experience suitable to horror and suspense.
Art/design: A single-column adventure with simple spot illustrations and a clear top-down dungeon map.
Usability: Organized and system neutral, with stats for Mörk Borg and 5e D&D. 

The Corpse Library

Concept: "...a library where it is rumored an entity older than story dwells, salvation writ on its skin." 
Content: A library only the dying world could love.
Writing: A heady catalogue of the mundane, academic, grotesque horrific, and surreal. 
Art/design: A calming midtone and clinical layout lends a stoic air to the dreadful proceedings, with one exception which can be found deep in the basement.
Usability: Well organized, easy to follow, quite likely to end in disaster. 

The Dungescape Issue 2

Concept: “Rugged tunnels far beneath the dirt of the earth. What stirs in the dark with all-seeing eyes, beaks, and claws, scratching the stone?”
Content: An escape dungeon, full of feathered “friends”.
Writing: Social elements add a dynamic element to the dungeon.
Art/design: Top-down map and creature illustrations highlight a compact two-page dungeon reference.
Usability: Compact and organized for easy reference of the entire dungeon during play. 

The False Mother

Concept: “The False Mother will carry it’s clutch like a mother would carry her infant child”
Content: A different sort of mother.
Writing: Another horrifically unique spider life cycle.
Art/design: Well-organized table layout.
Usability: Brephophobia is the fear of infants. In case you need it. 

The Fevre Pytt

Concept:The stench. The flies. The touch of clammy flesh. You have been cast into the Fever Pytt to die.”
Content: A corpse pile crawl through a mispurposed cistern in The Western Kingdom.
Writing: A festering pytt of viscera and gore that bursts with sickening mechanics to back it up.
Art/design: Currently only available as plaintext.
Usability: Standardized room description layout aids in reference. 

The Flesh Monger

Concept: “‘Our morbid collection offers an opportunity for those brave enough—or desperate enough—to modify their own fragile existence.’”
Content: " Replacement body parts. 3x NPCs. A list of items and tools. A ‘Chance of Infection’ table. A mini post-TPK rebirth.”
Writing: A glorious abomination. Made up of funny, morbid, and delightfully strange parts. 
Art/design:  Grotesquely detailed illustrations, a splattering of display text, and a richly textured trifold.
Usability: Inverted text avoids casual player spoilers. Print-friendly or violent bright cover editions are available.  

The Guild of Xargosi

Concept: “Their motto is ‘Corpora Infinita’ for the sheer number of fools ready to die under their banner."
Content: A parody of a guild that fights bears, whiffs hard, picks up the pieces, and dumps them in the endless sea.
Writing: Exaggerated Galgen-“talian” flair, with puns and body humor aplenty.
Art/design: A colorful, variegated, and grimy zine format. Classic poster illustrations of major encounters with altered public-domain spot illustrations.
Usability: Available in “guilded” and plaintext formats.  

The Thingamajig

Concept: “You will find it... it will take it all.”
Content: A Thingamajig
Writing: A simple organic reproduction of a violently transformational movie.
Art/design: A fluid rendition of the flesh. With clinically rotated text.
Usability: Insert for instant body horror and suspicion. 

The Tomb of Galien

Concept: “Venture into the tomb of the powerful warlock Galien in search of riches and arcane knowledge.”
Content: A warlock's tomb with a very “protective” familiar.
Writing: Puzzle design that anticipates flexibility and player agency when possible. Encounter design that incorporates complicating elements if the conflict drags out. 
Art/design: Subtle use of images to enhance the navigability and reference of the text. Strong back cover illustration of Gnash. 
Usability: Short, sweet, and referenceable adventure. 

The Vermilion Throne

Concept: “Venture into the depths, recover the heart of the True King, and bring an end to the Shadow King's reign. Or fail, and bleed, and die.”
Content: A pulse pumping, blood-drenched, flesh crawl.
Writing: As consistent and efficient as the beating heart, without feeling too clinical.
Art/design: Accessible and fluid design which doesn’t clot alongside thematic illustrations which do.
Usability: A considered and effective table reference. 

Thy ship was swallowed by a moray eel of considerable proportions

Concept: “As stated in the title”
Content: “As stated in the title”
Writing: A medical treatise, ecology, and setting guide in one long, wriggly, event-driven package. The eel's name is Inmedius Rex.
Art/design: Memorable use of eel anatomy, and organic placement of spot illustrations.
Usability: The monster and NPC stat blocks were fully digested, make your own. 

To remember me by.

Concept: “The 7th set of ribs of a once dear ally, honed to an edge and then steeped in Necromancy.”
Content: A pointed reminder of past failings and a chance to reconnect with an old friend.
Writing: At once deeply intimate and tragic.
Art/design: Black and white blocked plaintext.
Usability: Requires a dead friend. 

Tomb of the Old Dead One

Concept: “Treasure hunters, a bottomless pit with a terrible secret, long-forgotten cells containing the corpses of people nobody remembers anymore, and the animated skull of a necromancer giant. What more do you need?”
Content: A dungeon with a necromancer’s animated giant skull giant animated necromancer skull necromancer giant’s animated skull.
Writing: Short and sweet, lets the mechanics tell the story. with clear references to the core rules where needed.
Art/design: A simple and accessible map of pink and yellow surrounded with alternating lay colored blocks of text.
Usability: Text coloration allows for easy visual reference and navigation.

Tooth King

Concept: “Wake up, here comes the Tooth King” 
Content: Like the tooth fairy, but way worse.
Writing: A tale of teeth “exchanged” for dead pets (they still do stuff sometimes, it’s okay)
Art/design: Self-portrait of a sleep-deprived maniac grinning over a field of studded green.
Usability: As an (arguably) beneficial camp encounter for the child in us all. 


Concept: “Deliciously crunchy teeth that heal the body. Eat too many and more may grow.” 
Content: See above warning label.
Writing: A grotesque case of oro/maxillofacio/horticulturo/necromancy.
Art/design: A spitting image of teeth growing from an arteria bush.
Usability: Only for planting at night. 

Tragic Castle Obsession

Content: A vampire castle dungeon, and Old Nick album crawl.
Writing: A full-blooded and aggressive parody of spooky vampire dungeons.
Art/design: Illustrations reinforce the cheesy haunted castle aesthetic.
Usability: Highlighted mini-map and column sidebar make for convenient table reference. 


Concept: “The Voice of Many: A Meatworks experiment gong very, very wrong.”
Content: A verbally abusive meat collective.
Writing: Manifestation lends weight to social satire.
Art/design: Perspective exaggerates a tortured mass barking at the moon. Crisp unified design.
Usability: For Mörk Borg and Lichoma. 

What’s Black As Night

“Pine trees rearranging,
Permafrost crushing,
Colorful berries dot the void,
Bitter winds howl on frozen trees,
Red stain of fresh kill,
Snowfall entombs.” 
Content: A frigid, howling, blood-splattered forest crawl.   
Writing: A Grimm amalgamation of storybook wolves in all their gory detail.
Art/design: A vivid hybridization of illustration styles splattered in blood and red text.
Usability: Available in full-color gothic and plain text. With a player map and bonus wallpaper. 

Whispers of the Dead Saint

Concept: “When Dödz Bringare, a professional killer of the undead, is arrested for public disorder, he finds himself press-ganged into searching for a nobleman's dead wife. 
Content: An undead slaying, mercenary banding, Kergüs crawling, double-crossing, Misery of a novella. Complete with a set-piece dungeon and ghoul slayer class.
Writing: Relatable human foibles beneath healthy piles of loosed viscera.
Art/design: Bloody, jagged, and bleak illustrations match the struggle of a doomed mercenary company blow for blow.
Usability: Available in print, ebook, or audiobook formats. 
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